aloha every day

aloha every day

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dear dance,

Dear dance,
You see....I watch you on a daily basis...on tv, on youtube, you name it...and every time, I cry.  In fact, I think my heart cries...for what used to be so prevalent in my life.  I didn't realize what an emotional release you were for me, until I no longer had you in my daily life.  I miss you.  I really miss you.



Elizabeth said...

You should never give up dance, it's always in your heart

sarahlove said...

The amazing thing about dancing is you can do it whenever and where ever your heart desires. They say, 'dance like no one is watching.'

Seems simple enough. ;)

RosiesRoses said...

Gorgeous photo and I ditto the sentiment! I love dance!!!