aloha every day

aloha every day

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adventures in the garden

During summer, we planted a potted garden.
Being new to gardening during "seasons" (not applicable in Hawai'i),
we planted what we liked and figured we'd see what would survive as the new seasons arrived.

It is officially FALL!
I'm loving every bit of it...
I'm not loving that the cold weather exaggerates every injury I've attained, as well as those I never knew about...

Pumpkins? Yes!
Coats? Yes!
Leaves changing color? Yes!
Warm coffee on a cool day? Yes!

Back to the garden...Our plants are THRIVING! Woot!
We'll see if we say the same when Fall gives way to Winter.
For now, here are some shots from this morning's adventures in gardening:

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step..."

...a single step.  
The first step...taken first in consideration, then in plan, then in action.  
Which is most difficult?  
Considering to step? 

Planning to step?  

Actually stepping?




Find your journey.

As my Grandma Dee once said, "You are blessed if you wake in the morning and can put one foot in front of the other."

My hurdles are only as big as my mind allows.

One life. One love.